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2017 One K Global Peace Concert in Manila - March 2, 2017

After more than a year of once again neglecting my blog, I will now be sharing my experience during the 2017 One K Global Peace Concert held last March 2, 2017 at the SM Moa Arena.

To tell you guys honestly, watching the concert was already way out of my budget and thus I was actually planning to forego watching it if not for my really good friend, Mayam, who made me a ticket offer I cannot possibly resist. If you're reading this, thank you so much bb. :)

Anyway, since I've already deluded my brain into the deep abyss of disappointment because I believed I will be letting yet another K-pop concert go without showing up, I was completely thrilled to have been given the chance to see one of my favorite idol groups and a whole lot of really famous idols including 'global phenomenon' PSY. Let me share the official concert poster image below so you'll have an idea of who we saw that night:

All rights belong to their rightful owners

YES! I was once again graced by God and was allowed to see my SHINee bbs for the second time! And they were complete too! All the PH 'Shawols' (SHINee's official fanclub name) have waited to see them complete since their first country visit in 2009 where Taemin wasn't able to go due to sickness. Their second visit was back in 2013 where Minho wasn't able to go due to a conflict of hosting schedules.

In any case, me and my fellow Shawol friends, Mayam and Kai, were so THRILLED to see them finally complete that we just had take a picture of our wide smiles as evidence.

Took this after the concert
Our extremely satisfied faces gave away how thoroughly we enjoyed the con 

Our view from the lowerbox with our fellow PH Shawols

Aside from the happiness of being able to watch SHINee perform as a complete group that night, I was also able to enjoy watching the other groups perform specially BTOB, B.A.P. and CNBlue. I was quite impressed by B.A.P.s live performance and of course, my bbs from BTOB didn't disappoint at all.

I'm also particularly impressed with how famous CNBlue is in the PH. And from what I've seen that night, I've seen the reason why. It's hard not to love them when their main vocal gives the best fanservice every fan can hope for. Damn, I still get goosebumps and cringe nonstop when I remember Yonghwa's flying kisses during 'You're So Fine'. I cannot, for the life of me, handle that guy.

But if were talking about showmanship though, PSY takes the biggest slice of cake. That guy is the bomb! He puts all the other idols to shame with his live performances of his hit songs 'Gangnam Style' and 'Gentleman'. Everybody was on their feet and dancing! Well, almost everybody because the three of us just sat throughout the concert. Were just honestly too tired because we all came from work that day and would be going to work on the next.

All in all though, I can say that the concert was a complete success and so far, one of the best I've been to. The purpose of the concert itself is for a really good cause so I don't regret shelling out more than I planned. Having a really good time with my friends was worth every peso.


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